Michael Freidenberg recently wrote about the “Epic Transition” taking place right now in the technology world.
As I recently wrote, the joy and the pain of IT is the challenge of constant change. The test of a good CIO is to look beyond the immediate surface changes and to find the underlying patterns which will identify what skills and what technologies to invest in for future success.
Yes, technology is changing – and it will continue to in the near future. But within this change, there are some constants that remain.
- Data continues to expand explosively…
- Connectivity across people, organizations and platforms is growing…
- Speed and performance of systems continue to improve…
- Technical solutions are proliferating…
These changes create new challenges, but also open up new opportunities. By understanding the broader shifts, the right course can be set for the future.
IT Industry Undergoing an Epic Transition
CIO | Sep 27, 2013 8:00 AM PT
CEO Michael Friedenberg reads the signs of an enterprise tech industry that is unraveling before our eyes. But as one computing era ends, a new one (which IDC calls the third platform) is just beginning.
Maybe the Mayans were on to something after all. Not that the whole world would come to an end in 2012, but rather that the tech world of the past 20-25 years would unravel before our eyes. Look at recent developments in enterprise tech and tell me that these aren't cataclysmic events:
Read full article here